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The University is established primarily to educate the students and to inculcate the culture value and good character. An acceptance of offer of admission by students to the university automatically implies that he/she has accepted to abide by the rules and regulation that may from time to time be made for governance of the university. Such acceptance also carries with it an obligation that the student shall conduct himself/herself as a law abiding and responsible member of the academic community, in accordance with the university’s standards, rules and other conditions established by legally constituted Authority of the university.

Every student of the university is required to maintain a high standard of personal integrity. Each student shall conduct himself/herself peacefully in expressing his/her view on any changes, which he/she may consider necessary.

The university regards as serious offences any act of unethical, immoral, dishonest, disloyal, dehumanize or destructive behavior as well as violation of university regulations. It is, therefore, the responsibility of each student not only to acquaint himself/herself with these regulations but also to assist in upholding them at the times.

The University is committed to the full support of the legitimate right of its members. The University has an equal obligation to protect its educational purpose and interest of its entire community. For this reason, the University is naturally concerned about the action of some individuals which may be in conflict with the welfare and integrity of the University or in disregard of the right of other members of the community

The legitimate expression of differing opinion and concerns is an essential part of the academic community. But the imposition of opinion and concern upon those who, in turn, dissent from them shall not be tolerated. It is emphasized that all members of the university community, including students, are subject to the laws of the nation whether within or outside university campus, like all other citizens. They are expected to lean to cope with problems intelligently, reasonably and with understanding and consideration for the right of others. Each member shall recognize that as he/she values his/her right and freedom so is he/she expected to respect to respect the right and freedom of others.

The university reserves the right to discipline a student or to require, through the established disciplinary process, his/her withdrawal from the university based on evidence of a student’s failure to abide by its rules. Upon matriculation, every student must obtain and complete bio-data and Denunciation/Renunciation of membership of cult group form at the office of Dean of Students Affairs.


The law governing the university vests the Vice Chancellor with the power to discipline students. In practice, there is a statutory Students Disciplinary Committee with the general function of dealing with individual cases of indiscipline. The Vice Chancellor has delegated power to the Dean of student Affairs, Dean of Faculties, Head of Departments and some officers of the University to impose disciplinary measures on students for certain defined offence.


The following are some of the disciplinary sanctions, which may be imposed for violation of university regulations:

(a)       Disciplinary Probation:

Disciplinary probation is a trial for a specific period of time during which a student must behave in a manner acceptable to the university. The Disciplinary Committee may impose terms, which will restrict the student’s participation in extra-curricular and/ or other activities.


(b)      Suspension:


Suspension is an action which excludes the students from registration, attendance of lectures, practical classes, examinations and the use of University facilities for a specified period of time. This action means that the student must immediately leave the campus and shall not return to the University until the suspension period is over.


(c)  Expulsion:                                                                                                                                                

Expulsion is the permanent withdrawal of student from the university. The privileges of registration, attendance of lectures, practical, examinations as the use of University facilities are withdrawn from the student. This actions means that the student must leave the campus immediately and cease to be a student of the University.


(d)  Appeal:

In disciplinary cases, students concerned have a right of appeal to the Vice- Chancellor. Senate and ultimately to the Council against the decision of the university Senate.


(i)         University Property Disciplinary Measure:


(a)  A student shall not convert University Property to personal use illegally.


(b)  Students demonstration resulting in the seizure and/or vandalizing of the university Property and those of staff will attract appropriate sanctions.


(ii)     Interpersonal Relationship


(a)   A student shall not engage in any act that can constitute   an offence under the law of the country.

(b)  A student shall not constitute a threat to the life of other students. Physical combat will attract expulsion.                                                                 

(c)  A student shall not be rude to the university Principal officers and other authorized officers.

(d)  A student shall not be a member of any proscribed organization.

(e) A student shall not hold any illegal or secret meeting organized by secret societies/fraternities. Membership of cult or secret Societies will attract expulsion from the university.

(f)    A student shall not engage in sexual harassment.

(g)  A student shall not molest, intimidate or harass any university staff.

(h)  Immodest dressing by any student will attract disciplinary sanction and such student (male or female) could be asked to leave the lecture room or university function.

(i) Offenders shall face the Students Disciplinary Committee depending on the seriousness of the misconduct.


(iii)   Discipline of Students

 Subject to the provision of this section, where it appears to the Vice- Chancellor after due investigation, that any student of the university has been found of misconduct, the Vice-Chancellor may without prejudice to any other disciplinary powers conferred on him by statute or regulation, direct:,

(a)   That the student shall not, during such period as may be specified in the directive, participate in such activities of the university or make use of such facilities of the university, as may be so specified; or

(b) That the student be suspended for such period as may be specified in the directive.

(c)  That the student be expelled from the university.

 Whatever the directive given under paragraph (b) or (c) of the above in respect of any student, the student may in the prescribed manner, appeal against the directive through the registrar to the senate or council and where such an appeal is brought, the senate or council shall, after due consideration, either confirm or set aside the directive or modify it in such a manner as the senate or council deem fit.

       The fact that an appeal against a directive of the Vice-Chancellor is brought in pursuance of the proceeding sub-section, operation of the directive shall not be affected while the appeal is pending.

The Vice-Chancellor may exercise his power under the section through a Disciplinary Board or Committee consisting of such members of the university as he may nominate. Nothing in this section shall be construed as preventing the restriction or termination of student activities at the university other than on the ground of misconduct. Any student who had been advised to withdraw from the University for any Reason shall neither attend lectures nor participate in other student’s activities

(iv)   Class Attendance.

(a)    Students are required to attend lectures or any other academic engagement of the University promptly and well-dressed

(b)  Student shall be admitted into a lecture not later than ten (10) minutes after the lecture might have started.

(c)  Students must comfort themselves well in the class. There should be no noise and movement once the lecturer has stated.

(d)  Any student who misses a class in which a test is conducted shall be required to inform the lecturer  in charge of his/her absence not later than 72 hours after the class might have been held and provide appropriate documents to back up the reason for such absence.

(e)  No electronic gadgets that can make noise or disturb the teaching or practical activities within the University shall be tolerated.

(f)   If students wish to boycott lectures, the students’ Union Executive should inform the University Authorities of such boycott at least 36 hours before the boycott begins.


(v)      Attendance at any official University Engagement

(a)   A prompt attendance is required.

(b)  Students should be neat and well dressed.

(c) Students should conduct themselves in orderly manner and follow the instruction of the management closely. Any student misconduct that could disrupt official University engagement shall attract appropriate disciplinary sanction.

(d)Students are encouraged to express their mind freely on any issue but they should do nothing to embarrass the authority of the University publicly.